
10 October 2006

Writing on the walls

We had this wonderful session last week about "writing on the walls". This tutorial was held by Laurent Bossavit (read here for his contribution to the Agile movement).

The purpose of this tutorial was to teach the use of 3 simple agile tools:
  • the tasks board
  • the release board
  • the burn-down chart
As far as pedagogy isinvolved, the tutorial was really great. In 90 minutes, we had planned 4 or 5 iterations, developed 3 (using dices to decrease the points on the cards!) and really experienced what if feels like to communicate the project status on the walls.

The tasks board

I have been practising the tasks board for some time now and already had this kind of revelation: holding the cards, displaying them, ripping them off, replacing them, writing your names (the pair) on it,...

This "physical", "concrete" approach to the work to be done makes it very real. It makes the people focus on something concrete, not on a line in an Excel spreadsheet or in an html page. Hence, when a card is moved from the "TODO" to the "DONE" column, you can see it's finished.

We found a common pattern for the 3 tools, during the tutorial. They deliver information in a very progressive way. The tasks board answers the questions:
  1. "how far are we done?". Glancing at the board gives you the info right away: GOOD -> many cards in the DONE column, BAD -> many cards in the TODO column (unless at the very beginning of the iteration of course,...)
  2. "how much exactly has been done?". Look at the expected/actual velocity
  3. "what has been done? / what remains to do". Reading the cards tells you what the developped features are
By the way, the exercise is a lot less futile when you have acceptance tests corresponding to each card and if they are green when the card is said to be done. But this is another story,...

The release board

This one is fairly simple. You just display the remaining cards of the milestone, sorted along the remaining iterations. In additions to the cards, you add the expected velocity of each iteration (and make it match to what you know you can do!).

The interesting part about the release board is that it tells you a story. It is like a storyboard of what's going to happen in the project. If done properly, you should understand the plot, the tension between the characters, an overall sense of coherence, and... the happy ending, of course!

I also found that this is a very good tool for the client to communicate with the developers. Most of the time, developers are so much engaged into their code that they end up lacking a vision for the overall product. The release board helps them getting the broader picture and to understand the customer priorities.

The burn-down (or burn-up!) chart

This one is the typical tool of the manager and illustrates a very fundamental point about "writing on the walls". On this chart (in a "burn-down" fashion), you display the stock of points to be developed at the beginning of the milestone, and after each iteration, you add a new point on the chart, showing that this stock is decreasing. So you have a more or less declining slope, made of several segments.

Then, by interpolating roughly, you draw a line that crosses the X axis, giving you a bold estimate of the release date for the whole product.

Now, what is a burn-up chart? Well, reality is not very linear. Every once and then new features or weird discoveries pop out, and your stock will be increasing. You can display things the other way around, showing that each iteration adds features and try to reach a "ceiling". Then, you can easily raise the ceiling bar if necessary. You will also be able to get an estimate of how much the ceiling is raised along a typical milestone and use this data for your next planning game (thanks Olivier for convincing me on that point!).

To sum it up, the burn charts give a graphical representation of the velocity of the team for a whole milestone and helps conveying the "are we done yet?" data on a large scale of time.

Oh, by the way, what was the fundamental point?

The fundamental point

The fundamental point is not "cool, everyone sees the project progress".

The fundamental point is "cool, everyone cannot help but see the project progress". Developers are facing their responsabilities of trying to maintain the best velocity (mark this word: maintain,...). And managers have to acknowledge that it takes time to deliver software.

Information is not only displayed but it imposes itself to everybody.